The truth will set you free
The Sage brands promise wisdom.
Essence: Knowledge. Expertise. Truth.
Is your brand open-minded and flexible?
Is your brand committed to developing exceptional expertise?
Is seeking or providing knowledge a top priority for your brand?
Is your brand adept at research and getting to the truth?
Does your brand provide your customers with the means to think for themselves and to fulfill their potential?
If you have responded yes to many of the questions above, your brand may be best represented by the Sage archetype.
Purpose: To seek out the truth, to use knowledge and insights to understand the world.
Alter egos: The investigator - the mentor - the expert - the guru - the philosopher - the teacher - the oracle - the scholar - the guide
Personality traits: Reflective - intelligent - wise - open-minded - eloquent - trustworthy - analytical - informative - philosophical - disciplined - objective - perfectionistic - confident - insightful