We are your little ray of sunlight
The Innocent brands promise simplicity.
Essence: Honesty. Simplicity. Optimism.
Does your brand have an optimistic attitude towards the future?
Does your brand exude a happy, trustworthy aura?
Is your brand able to find the silver lining in every situation?
Does your brand help people find happiness?
Does your brand aim to uncomplicate things by providing simple solutions?
Is your brand defined by honest values?
If you have responded yes to many of the questions above, your brand may be best represented by the Innocent archetype.
Purpose: To be happy and to find the simple fun in life, to make others feel good about themselves.
Alter egos: The cheerleader - the optimist - the child - the dreamer - the romantic
Personality traits: Carefree - optimistic - happy - pure - forgiving - trusting - honest - simple - cheerful - trustworthy - authentic - youthful - transparent - straightforward - naive - light-hearted - childlike - endearing - idealistic