Rise to the challenge
The Hero brands promise mastery.
Essence: Idealism. Spirit. Courage.
Does your brand challenge people to achieve their fullest potential?
Does your brand strive to outshine the competition?
Does your brand adhere to a noble set of values?
Do your customers trust your brand to consistently deliver high quality products?
Does your brand put a lot of value on corporate social responsibility?
Does your brand possess a strong sense of duty?
Is your brand currently the underdog looking to overturn the business landscape with your superior products?
If you have responded yes to many of the questions above, your brand may be best represented by the Hero archetype.
Purpose: To achieve mastery and make a mark on the world, to prove their worth.
Alter egos: The competitor - the achiever - the warrior - the winner - the idealist - the team player
Personality traits: Brave - determined - skillful - strong - competent - competitive - aggressive - principled - idealistic - courageous - self-confident - powerful - consistent - reliable - perfectionistic - disciplined - proud - forceful - focused - goal-oriented - protective - helpful - noble - tenacious - relentless - protective - honorable